Named after syncopation—the unexpected, uneven, or offbeat rhythms in music—Síncopa transforms a regular metronomic beat into something that stirs us to feel, move, or dance. This typeface family explores the forces of stability and dynamism, of the beat and the offbeat. Inspired by three queens of jazz—Billie, Nina, and Ella—Síncopa emulates their bold voices and distinctive personalities through highly contrasting strokes and eclectic letterforms.

January 2018

Sello Buen Diseño 2018
7ª Bienal de Tipografía Latinoamericana, Tipos Latinos
Pangramme, International student type design exhibition

Me, myself and I
“Sometimes…I sound like gravel”
«sometimes I sound like coffee & cream»
Just cares for me…
dream a little dream of me
strange fruit